SEN Provision

At St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School, all children are equally valued. We strive to develop a learning environment where all children can reach their full potential.

As part of our philosophy, it is important that all children who have additional needs are supported to overcome their barriers to learning, regardless of what they are. All pupils with Special Educational Needs benefit from our support and intervention to ensure that they reach their potential.

At St Pius X, we provide a supportive environment with a curriculum that is tailored to support all pupils. Pupils follow the academic curriculum at a level and pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Occasionally, the curriculum is modified to suit the pupils needs. Our school has experienced and qualified staff at hand and we have a calming Sensory Room available for all pupils to find time to relax and regulate.

Our teachers and teaching assistants work alongside parents and the school SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators) to find ways to support each child with their needs. We also provide support to parents to ensure that they can help their child at home.

Staff set regular targets, and ensure that the correct support is put in place. We work closely with parents on a regular basis to discuss your child's needs and listen to your ideas and concerns that you might have. We work with other professionals who may be able to help your child such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Medical professionals.

Our teachers understand that children learn in different ways and we help our pupils every step of the way, whatever the pace. 

To find out more about our SEN provision and how we can support your child, please contact us on 01772 719 937 or complete the form below.

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