11 Plus Provision

At St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School, we are committed to preparing our pupils with the confidence, knowledge and a wide range of skills to enable each child to excel in the 11 Plus examination.

Our 11 plus provision is created to ensure that every pupil at St Pius X reach their fullest potential and is well-prepared for secondary school entrance examinations.

Our pupils begin preparation as early as Year 3 and are introduced to Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning by the end of Year 3. In Year 4, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning lessons are part of the pupil's syllabus and timetable. 

Pupils are exposed to weekly 11-plus questionning format and style with weekly speaking and listening tests to prepare for interviews.

In Year 5, enhanced programme of intervention and support are introduced to increase learning potential. Pupils continue with weekly 11-plus questionning format and style with weekly speaking and listening tests through GL assessments.

By Year 6, our pupils continue with weekly testing in preparation for examination in September.


Joining St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School for 11 Plus Preparations

At St Pius X, we recommend that children join our prep school at the earliest age to take advantage of our prep school education and our 11-plus provision. Sometimes, families make a decision late on and want to make an application for the 11-plus. 

We are happy to accept new pupil enrolments at any point during the child's primary education.

Please contact us for more information about our 11 Plus provision and preparation details. We are more than happy to advise you on the steps that can be taken to ensure that you and your child are fully prepared.

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