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Headmaster's Welcome
You will not find a happier and more inspiring school than St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School in Preston, Lancashire. Choosing the right school in Preston for your child is such a significant aspect of parenting and our exceptional Early Years provides the perfect start. Learning habits are enhanced, resilience and confidence flourish and these qualities grow with them, as they move through the school. From Year 1 to Year 6, we ensure academic rigour co-exists in a pastoral environment and we achieve excellent progress and results through nurture rather than coercion. At St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School, children thrive because they embrace challenge; they feel safe and confident in school and they make the most of the opportunities presented to them.
St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School is an exciting place to be. When I first visited this school in Preston, I was really struck by the wonderful atmosphere of the school. The staff are welcoming, absolutely committed and truly care about the children and the school: they know each child and this creates the trust through which learners blossom. This makes St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School stand out. Highly skilled, creative teachers provide outstanding pastoral care, a superb variety of opportunities and experiences and high standards that inspire the children to give of their best in all that they do. Manners and kindness are developed, promoted and celebrated alongside effort, perseverance and achievement.
Our values-based education is embedded and alive and it gives the school a unique strength. We are proud of the excellent success rates in entrance examinations to Grammar Schools and Independent Senior Schools. We are also committed to preparing our children for a dynamic and rapidly changing future, so character education sits alongside the academic, as they develop resilience, perseverance, communication and collaborative skills, helping to prepare them as future world leaders and global citizens.
As one of the country’s leading Catholic Independent day schools, our family ethos welcomes families of all beliefs and cultures as we guide and support children through the important foundation years of Preparatory Education. Like most parents, we are very aware that children are often very different to each other, even within the same family, and I love the fact that St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School is a place where everyone has a chance to shine, be they children who might struggle with their learning or whether they are destined for academic scholarship. We are an inclusive school where everyone is involved in Music, Drama, STEM and Sport and where talents can be discovered and enriched.
Please come and see our prep school in action. I look forward to meeting you and showing you what makes St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School such an exceptional private school.
Charles Long Headmaster