It is now official, we are a gold standard SMSC school!
On Monday 14th January 2019, an SMSC verifier, Rachel Tomlinson, came to visit our school to assess our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision.
We were awarded the highest standard. We are very of the achievements of the whole school. A special thank you to Elvi, Maya, Srishu, Fahad, Harnoor, Maria, Amir and Omar who spoke to the SMSC verifier and were very enthusiastic about our school.
This is what Rachel wrote in her report about these eloquent children:
'They were so articulate and were keen to express how much they enjoyed school and how proud they were of everyone in it. They were able to explain so much about how the school discusses and embraces SMSC throughout all its practices. They explained with clarity the GOSPEL values of the school and when asked to describe St Pius X in one word, were very thoughtful and insightful. I thought the words they contributed were a great reflection on your school; they were; generous, peaceful, fair, grateful, wonderful, fantastic, equal and, my favourite, love.’
Rachel also reported the school’s strengths in the area of SMSC as follow:
'Strengths of the school’s SMSC development: Through your self-evaluation, the wide range of evidence and discussions, it is clear that there are numerous SMSC related strengths at St Pius X;
the following are a few key examples:
- SMSC is embedded in the life, culture and learning of the school. It features in all aspects of the pupils’ personal and academic development. It is evident in the way staff, governors and pupils talk about school, treat each other and their confidence to explore ideas that this is held in high regard. They are eager to discuss the different religions and faiths in the world and understand why it is important that we know all about them to prevent discrimination.
- The GOSPEL values are becoming embedded and part of the language used at St Pius X; these values of gratitude, openness, service, peace, equality and life allow SMSC to be deep-rooted in everything the school does.
- The way the SMSC values are displayed and the activities, learning and visits that enhance these are recorded allows everyone to see and share in the excellent practice at St Pius X Preparatory School.’
We aimed for the gold award and we got!
Thank you to Miss Sue Flint the SMSC subject leader.